
Location: West Ogliastra (30km from the sea)

Location: West Ogliastra (30km from the sea)

How to get there:

  • From Cagliari take the SS387 north until arriving at San Andrea Frius, continue through on the SS547 heading towards Senorbi and the SS128. Continue north on the SS128 following signs for Mandas. From Mandas continue for approx. 5Km until the road splits, head east (right) here on the SS198 towards Sadali, Seui and Ogliastra. The SS198 takes you directly to Seui. This is quite a long journey but it does take in some beautiful parts of Cagliari and central Sardinia.
  • From Nuoro take the main road SS389 towards Lanusei until the junction for the SS198 to Gairo, the road enters the edge of Gairo briefly then turns away, continue on the SS198 down and across the valley and back up the other side past Gairo Taquisara, past the Ussassai station for the Little Green Train and towards the town of Ussassai itself. Continue through Ussassai, stay on the SS198 and the road takes you to Seui. There are many smaller roads leading from the SS198 but it unadvisable to take them. This jouney is long but memorable as it does take you through some spectacular natural environments.


  • Perched high on the side of a valley, this town has plenty of touristic pull. Amoung its attributes are nuragic towers, an old Spanish prison, caves and peaks of Seui and nature trails through the forest of Montarbu. The Little Green Train of Sardinia runs through Seui and you can find one of the oldset train stations in Sardinia and overall beauty in its accessible territory. Just walking through the town is quite an experience as the narrow, cobble-stoned back-streets wind up and down the side of the valley, the typical little old houses almost leaning over you. Friendly people, nice town.

Points of interest:

  • Station for the Little Green Train
  • Nuragic Towers of Ardasai and Cercessa
  • Forest of Montarbu
  • The Old Spanish Prison

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