Location: East (Harbour town next to Tortoli)
Location: East (4km from the sea)
Location: North-east Ogliastra (near the Gulf of Orosei)
Location: East Ogliastra (3.5km from the sea)
Location: Central Ogliastra (15km from the sea)
Location: East Ogliastra (2km from the sea)
Location: Central Ogliastra (near Lanusei, 12km form the sea)
Location: Central Ogliastra (13km from the sea)
Location: Central / East (8.5km from the sea)
Location: South-west Ogliastra (18km from the sea)
Location: Coast (Near the Gulf of Orosei)
Location: West Ogliastra (30km from the sea)
Location: Central - North-west Ogliastra (18km from the sea)
Location: South Ogliastra (7.5km from the sea)
Location: East Ogliastra (2.5km from the coast)
Location: East (north-east) Ogliastra (5.5km from the sea)
Location: South-West Ogliastra (15km from the sea)
Location: North Ogliastra (14km from the sea)
Location: West Ogliastra (24km from the sea)
Location: Central (slightly north) Ogliastra (15km from the sea)
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